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  • The Miramare Biosphere Reserve

    Unesco MAB area since 1979

    The “Miramare” Biosphere Reserve is located 7 km from Trieste, in north-eastern Italy near the border with Slovenia. It has the shape of a rocky karst promontory, with cliffs and beaches and traditional terraces with dry stone walls, where olive trees and vineyards are grown. It is a small uninhabited reserve, although much visited by tourists also due to the presence of the homonymous castle, built by Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Habsburg in 1856.

    Karst forests and pastures, as well as the marine biotype, ensure high biodiversity values. The aim of the reserve is to maintain this biological diversity in the marine environment around Trieste through scientific research and monitoring activities, but also by offering environmental education to students and visitors.In the waters of the reserve are prohibited fishing and the passage of boats and activities of underwater education. The territory of the reserve includes small karst villages and areas where there is a significant proportion of residents of ethnic origin. One of the main challenges is the involvement of all stakeholders and the local community, the tourism industry, universities and municipalities in managing the reserve.

    How to

    get there

    Trieste Airport

    Udine-Trieste railway

    Venice-Trieste railway

    A4 highway







    from CamCom

    Associazione Mirabilia Network

    CF: 97963600586

    +39 0835 338408 – 41 – 42



    The Mirabilia Network Association aims to promote the territories and paths in the UNESCO World Heritage sites supported by the Chambers of Commerce of:

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