Mirabilia supports Italy and shows its excellence to a national and international audience: to do so, it harmonizes the peculiarities of different territories, enhances their potential and thus creates a surplus value compared to an increasingly demanding and targeted request.
The Chambers of Commerce participating in the network represent a complex and multifaceted universe with unique geographical areas of their kind, each of which can be a point of reference for culture, food and wine, craftsmanship and technological innovation. The association responds promptly to the new concept of travel, aimed increasingly towards mature and responsible choices, strong in the value of tradition and oriented to the future and its upcoming novelties.
La Faggeta vetusta di Cozzo Ferriero
Monte Peglia
Pubblicazione ai sensi del terzo comma dell'art.2501-ter del Codice civile del Progetto di trasformazione e fusione dell'Associazione Mirabilia Network in Isnart Scpa.
Il 20/12/2024 l'Associazione Mirabilia Network si è trasformata in MIRABILIA NETWORK SCRL.