Master’s degree in Cultural Heritage Management for Tourism Development (MMCT), established by the University of Perugia in agreement with the University of Basilicata and in collaboration with Mirabilia Network aims to provide the cultural foundations and technical skills necessary to train experts in the enhancement of tourism heritage material and intangible cultural present in the regional territories, with particular reference to UNESCO sites.
Included in the Mirabilia network and as an integral part of the curriculum we can find field project activities, visits and study tours at the UNESCO sites. Finally, the possibility to carry out a period of internship.
The history of civilizations and territories meets managerial and marketing knowledge.
A path for the tourist enhancement of material and intangible cultural heritage.
Skills to prepare experiential tourism projects (itineraries, paths, all-inclusive packages, etc.).
Comprehensive training for professionals with qualifications that meet the needs of companies in the sector.
Pubblicazione ai sensi del terzo comma dell'art.2501-ter del Codice civile del Progetto di trasformazione e fusione dell'Associazione Mirabilia Network in Isnart Scpa.
Il 20/12/2024 l'Associazione Mirabilia Network si è trasformata in MIRABILIA NETWORK SCRL.