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  • Discover the beauty of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

    Discover the beauty of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

    What is

    Mirabilia Network?

    It is a non-profit association set up by the Italian Unioncamere and 21 Italian Chambers of Commerce to connect and enhance areas that share significant historical, cultural and environmental importance, as well as being characterized by the presence of UNESCO – World Heritage sites.

    A partnership with the aim to create an interaction between institutional and economic actors and between governance models underlying local development policies, and accessible to the Chambers of Commerce and all the structures of the chamber system.


    Mirabilia Network of Unesco Sites


    Top of the PID Award

    With the collaboration between the national network of the PID and the association Mirabilia, innovative projects in the field of tourism are awarded.

    Olive Oil Tourism

    Olive Oil Tourism is one of the new frontiers of food and wine tourism, an important growth opportunity for the country and the entire olive sector.

    Mirabilia Day

    Mirabilia Day promotes the mission of the association through a series of events that take place in the different territories of the Network.

    International Cultural Tourism Exchange

    With over 3 thousand meetings between buyers and sellers of food and tourism field, the presence of more than 94 Italian sellers and more than 58 international buyers.


    The 7th edition of the "Mirabilia food&drink" Agribusiness Exchange was held on 16 and 17 October 2023.


    Master in Management of the Cultural Heritage for Tourism Development

    The aim is to train a new professional who is able to build asset management strategies.

    Latest videos



    from Mirabilia

    Associazione Mirabilia Network

    CF: 97963600586

    +39 0835 338408 – 41 – 42



    The Mirabilia Network Association aims to promote the territories and paths in the UNESCO World Heritage sites supported by the Chambers of Commerce of:

    Pubblicazione ai sensi del terzo comma dell'art.2501-ter del Codice civile del Progetto di trasformazione e fusione dell'Associazione Mirabilia Network in Isnart Scpa