Mirabilia Food & Drink is the event that connects Italian companies in the food & drink sector with international buyers. The initiative, now in its eighth edition, aims to enhance the offer of the food and wine heritage of the Mediterranean Diet, in connection with the tourist offer.
Through B2B meetings, it creates a connection between the territories of the Chambers of Commerce belonging to the Network, united by the presence of UNESCO World Heritage sites, and the related agri-food and wine offering, with the aim of proposing it to an international public that is increasingly attentive and demanding towards high-quality tourism. Mirabilia Food & Drink enhances Made in Italy experiences.
The VIII edition of Mirabilia Food & Drink will be held in Perugia, on 14 and 15 October 2024.
Pubblicazione ai sensi del terzo comma dell'art.2501-ter del Codice civile del Progetto di trasformazione e fusione dell'Associazione Mirabilia Network in Isnart Scpa.
Il 20/12/2024 l'Associazione Mirabilia Network si è trasformata in MIRABILIA NETWORK SCRL.