The Made in Italy Quality Tourism Network
Mirabilia Network is an organisation that promotes cultural, historical and environmental heritage, supporting the territories where a UNESCO ‘World Heritage’ site works. The project was born in 2012 and in 2017 became an Association that, today, brings together Unioncamere Nazionale and 21 Chambers of Commerce throughout the country, creating synergies between institutional and economic actors, places and those who live them. The experience gained along this more than ten-year path has consolidated its strategic and model role to be recreated.
The Network is characterised as a compact and multifaceted network, uniting Italy from North to South and vice versa, and has also been able to widen its vision through an internationalisation dimension. The strength of this network lies in its ability to give light also to lesser-known centres, highlighting the specificities of different experiences and contexts, but united by the desire to pursue a common objective and by the presence of a valuable offer, the fruit of history, art, craftsmanship and food and wine quality.
Excellences to be lived and tasted
The International Cultural Tourism Exchange and Mirabilia Food&Drink are leading events of Mirabilia Network. They are organised on a recurring cadence, to facilitate the birth of collaborations and partnerships and foster the knowledge of Italian excellence all over the world. These two B2B events involve Italian companies and entrepreneurs and international buyers, with many meeting and comparison moments, insights and experiences functional to the narration of the best food culture of our country.
Food and wine are a great treasure of Italy, such as its extraordinary culinary traditions, which have contributed to the recognition of the Mediterranean Diet as UNESCO Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Mirabilia highlights them, combining the discovery of the most authentic flavours of our regions with the knowledge of artistic, architectural and landscape heritage. Both the International Exchange and Mirabilia Food&Drink enhance the food farming productions, without losing sight of the cultural, environmental and social contexts.
Competence and culture for the growth of tourism
Quality tourism needs specific and updated skills: for this reason, Mirabilia pays special attention to Higher Education activities, with the aim of enhancing the knowledge of professionals in the sector and contributing to the promotion of the best tourism culture. The Network is a fundamental partner of the First Level Master's Degree Course in ‘Management of Cultural Heritage for Tourism Development’, set up by the University of Perugia, in collaboration with the University of Basilicata, in order to train highly specialised figures.
Higher education finds wide space in the events organised by Mirabilia, where there are plenary sessions and meetings, which create new synergies and become functional for sharing knowledge and experience. The Network also consolidates its Net also by promoting collaboration among university universities and Chambers of Commerce, in order to select young university students and graduates from tourism-related courses, who can in this way become real territorial animators.
Updated, present and aware tourism
Mirabilia grasps the opportunities of innovation, creating a bridge between tradition and future. Technologies play a fundamental role in the evolution of an always updated tourism, in a general context that has opened up new frontiers for territorial marketing. Smart tourism is playing an increasingly central role and ‘smart’ destinations are adapting to socio-demographic, cultural and technological changes through avant-garde services, embracing a renewed paradigm of the tourism ecosystem.
The collaboration between Mirabilia and the PIDs (Digital Enterprise Points) gave birth to the ‘Top of the PID’ Award, which encourages the adoption of new technologies. #pid4mirabilia enhances projects that innovate products or business models and, for years, identifies the best ideas at the service of tourism enterprises, creating a map of Italian best practices. The Network supports the double transition, digital and ecological, combining innovative actions and attention to traditions and the authentic soul of places.
Eco-friendly and respectful use of territories
Mirabilia has always promoted tourism practices that respect places and communities, in order to foster knowledge of local cultures, traditions and contexts, while limiting the impact on the environment as much as possible. This goal was enshrined as early as 2021 in the ‘Glasgow Declaration’ at the UN-sponsored COP26 event, which committed signatories to take action to mitigate the impact of the tourism sector on climate change.
Further confirmation came with the signing of the ‘Charter of Cison di Valmarino’, which pays attention to Sustainable Tourism that meets the needs of the present and also increases the opportunities of the future. Mirabilia's path of sustainability moved forward with the ‘Charter of Padua - Sustainable Future: a vision for the growth of territories’, whose contents and objectives are contained in the ‘Charter of Fossacesia’, in order to adopt socio-cultural sustainability practices for quality tourism.
Experiences to remember
Mirabilia promotes the tourist offer of companies active in the field of olive growing and olive oil production, real diamond tip of the Made in Italy agri-food offer. A ‘collection’ of experiences to remember, whose protagonist is our green gold, the main food of the Mediterranean Diet. The culture of oil, the identity of the land and the attention of people who care for it are united by an indissoluble bond, and it is from that bond that experiences are born, all to be lived.
Mirabilia was able to promptly grasp the potential of the new frontier of Oleotourism, which combines landscape and product promotion, creating a unique and particular mix. This innovation of experiential tourism is the result of an increasing attention to a green, slow, healthy and natural product. The discovery of Italy's territorial and cultural heritage also passes through the authentic places of olive oil and their knowledge with tastings, in-depth events and recreational initiatives.
The Mirabilia model crosses national borders
Mirabilia became a recognised model and was also adopted in other European countries. The Network has exported outside its borders the same scheme as the Italian Chambers of Commerce, based on national coordination through one of the project leader Chambers of Commerce. In 2023, Mirabilia France was established, bringing together 13 French Chambers of Commerce and Industry: the constitutive assembly crowned a project born in 2013 within the framework of the Carrefours of Europe, organised by the European Commission.
The solid connection with the French territory confirmed the importance of the European model of governance among tourist territories and made the international objective of a ‘foreign’ working group more concrete and functional to the logics of the valorisation of territories and traditions. The solid connection with the French territory confirmed the importance of the European model of governance among tourist territories and made the international objective of a ‘foreign’ working group more concrete and functional to the logics of the valorisation of territories and traditions. Mirabilia continues to work with great passion and interest, in order to pursue its tale of UNESCO throughout the world. A mission with an important purpose, functional to growth and development.
Pubblicazione ai sensi del terzo comma dell'art.2501-ter del Codice civile del Progetto di trasformazione e fusione dell'Associazione Mirabilia Network in Isnart Scpa.
Il 20/12/2024 l'Associazione Mirabilia Network si è trasformata in MIRABILIA NETWORK SCRL.