Mirabilia is a partner, in collaboration with the 21 Chambers of Commerce of the Network "Master in Management of the Cultural Heritage for Tourism Development", established by the University of Perugia, in agreement with the University of Basilicata. The aim is to train a new professional figure who, in addition to having managerial and marketing knowledge, is able to build asset management strategies.
Mirabilia Network periodically organizes important events to create networking opportunities and collaboration between operators in the sector such as the International Cultural Tourism Exchange.The Network organizes educational tours, focused on the characteristics of the territories and the artistic craftsmanship.
Pubblicazione ai sensi del terzo comma dell'art.2501-ter del Codice civile del Progetto di trasformazione e fusione dell'Associazione Mirabilia Network in Isnart Scpa.
Il 20/12/2024 l'Associazione Mirabilia Network si è trasformata in MIRABILIA NETWORK SCRL.